id Game Cheats v2.1.2 | Established 2013

All Games | Quake Cheat Codes

Quake - DOS Splash Screen

Full Name: Quake

Release Date: June 22, 1996 (27 year's ago)

Publisher: GT Interactive

Genre: First-Person Shooter


How to Use

When in game, bring down the Console with the ~ key or the ¬ key and then enter the following codes.


The Cheats

changelevel = Change to level E#M#.

entities = Information on which opponents are in the game.

fly = Immunity to gravity on/off (D: Up - C: Down).

god = Gives invincibility.

kill = Kills the player.

map = Changes level to Episode/Map (E#M#).

noclip = Walk through all walls.

notarget = Enemies unable to target you with their weapons.

restart = Restarts the current level.

status = Shows info about current game and player status.

version = Shows info about compile time/date/version of quake.

give = Give item - follow by the alphanumeric character below:

1 = Axe.

2 = Shotgun.

3 = Double barrelled shotgun.

4 = Nailgun.

5 = Perforator.

6 = Grenade launcher.

7 = Rocket launcher.

8 = Thunderbolt.

A = Armor.

C = Cells.

H = Health.

R = Rockets.

S = Nails.


1. These codes are not case-sensitive.


See Also

Quake 2 Cheats

Quake 3 Cheats

Quake 4 Cheats



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QUAKE: A retrospective

Quake, released in 1996 by id Software, is a landmark title that not only continued the studio's legacy of pushing the boundaries of technology but also played a pivotal role in shaping the future of first-person shooters. With its cutting-edge graphics, innovative multiplayer features, and iconic design, Quake became a benchmark for the genre.

Quake introduced a fully three-dimensional game engine, the id Tech 1 engine, which enabled true 3D environments and polygonal models. This technological leap allowed for more immersive level design, complex geometry, and realistic lighting effects. The atmospheric and Gothic-inspired settings marked a departure from the previous games, creating a darker and more intense gaming experience.

The game's narrative, while minimal, added a layer of mystery and horror, with players battling through dimensions to stop an otherworldly threat. Quake's focus, however, was primarily on gameplay, and it continued to refine the fast-paced, frenetic action that had become synonymous with id Software.

One of the defining features of Quake was its multiplayer component. The game embraced online multiplayer with the introduction of Quakeworld, a dedicated server and client architecture that significantly improved netcode and allowed for smoother online play. Quake's multiplayer mode, particularly the free-for-all Deathmatch, became a cultural phenomenon and laid the groundwork for the competitive esports scene that would follow.

Quake also supported user-generated content through the use of custom mods and maps. The modding community thrived, creating a wealth of additional content that extended the game's lifespan and showcased the creativity of players worldwide. This commitment to user-generated content has been a hallmark of the Quake series.

The arsenal of weapons in Quake, from the iconic rocket launcher to the devastating lightning gun, added variety and strategy to the gameplay. Each weapon had its unique characteristics, and mastering their use became a key aspect of the game's skill-based combat.

Quake's impact on the gaming industry cannot be overstated. It set a new standard for graphics and multiplayer functionality, influencing the development of future first-person shooters. The game's legacy can be seen not only in the continued popularity of the Quake series but also in the broader landscape of competitive gaming. Quake remains a classic that defined an era, showcasing id Software's commitment to innovation and solidifying its status as a pioneering force in the world of video games.

- IDGC editor